Sunday, 11 November 2018

static use on other file compile together throws error

Static file:

  • Even if we give 2 .c file into the gcc, it will compile upto Assembler as a single .c file.
  • The below output shows that Preprocessor gave .i for 2 files.
    • Compiler gave the .s for 2 files.
    • Assembler gave the .o for 2 fileHence linker only combine these 2 .o files into a single executable file.
    • Hence we could not use the static variable in other .c file because each .c file compile separately upto .o
    • NO_STAT flag is used to remove the extern on 2nd file and make an global variable,
      • so that 2 variable are different variable even with the same name.
  • ------------ snip ---------------
  •  -r-- 1 manirathinam manirathinam   197 Nov 11 03:28 static_1.c
    -rw-rw-r-- 1 manirathinam manirathinam   171 Nov 11 03:30 static_2.c
    -rw-rw-r-- 1 manirathinam manirathinam 18382 Nov 11 03:30 static_1.i
    -rw-rw-r-- 1 manirathinam manirathinam  1174 Nov 11 03:30 static_1.s
    -rw-rw-r-- 1 manirathinam manirathinam  1392 Nov 11 03:30 static_1.o
    -rw-rw-r-- 1 manirathinam manirathinam 18398 Nov 11 03:30 static_2.i
    -rw-rw-r-- 1 manirathinam manirathinam   853 Nov 11 03:30 static_2.s
    -rw-rw-r-- 1 manirathinam manirathinam  1244 Nov 11 03:30 static_2.o
    -rwxrwxr-x 1 manirathinam manirathinam  7312 Nov 11 03:30 a.out
  • ---------------- snip --------------


File 1: static_1.c

/* static on 2 file compile together by Velraj.K
   Check :

#include <stdio.h>

static int stat_value = 0;
// we can inclide the .c file it can able to compile successfuly.
//#include "static_2.c"

int main()
        printf("Inside main \n");

        return 0;

/* Compile :
 * Gcc working for 2 .c file:
 *     Even if we give 2 .c file into the gcc, it will compile upto Assembler as a single .c file.
 *     The below output shows that Preprocessor gave .i for 2 files.
 *                                 Compiler gave the .s for 2 files.
 *                                 Assembler gave the .o for 2 files
 *                                 Hence linker only combine these 2 .o files into a single executable file.
 *                   Hence we could not use the static variable in other .c file because each .c file compile separately upto .o
 *                   NO_STAT flag is used to remove the extern on 2nd file and make an global variable,
 *                       so that 2 variable are different variable even with the same name.
 manirathinam@manirathinam-Aspire-E1-431:~/velraj/clan$ ls -ltr
total 16
-rw-rw-r-- 1 manirathinam manirathinam  197 Nov 11 03:28 static_1.c
-rw-rw-r-- 1 manirathinam manirathinam  171 Nov 11 03:30 static_2.c
-rwxrwxr-x 1 manirathinam manirathinam 7312 Nov 11 03:30 a.out
manirathinam@manirathinam-Aspire-E1-431:~/velraj/clan$ gcc static_1.c static_2.c --save-temp
manirathinam@manirathinam-Aspire-E1-431:~/velraj/clan$  ls -ltr
total 72
-rw-rw-r-- 1 manirathinam manirathinam   197 Nov 11 03:28 static_1.c
-rw-rw-r-- 1 manirathinam manirathinam   171 Nov 11 03:30 static_2.c
-rw-rw-r-- 1 manirathinam manirathinam 18382 Nov 11 03:30 static_1.i
-rw-rw-r-- 1 manirathinam manirathinam  1174 Nov 11 03:30 static_1.s
-rw-rw-r-- 1 manirathinam manirathinam  1392 Nov 11 03:30 static_1.o
-rw-rw-r-- 1 manirathinam manirathinam 18398 Nov 11 03:30 static_2.i
-rw-rw-r-- 1 manirathinam manirathinam   853 Nov 11 03:30 static_2.s
-rw-rw-r-- 1 manirathinam manirathinam  1244 Nov 11 03:30 static_2.o
-rwxrwxr-x 1 manirathinam manirathinam  7312 Nov 11 03:30 a.out
manirathinam@manirathinam-Aspire-E1-431:~/velraj/clan$ gcc static_1.c static_2.c --save-temp -DNO_STAT
static_2.o: In function `add':
static_2.c:(.text+0x19): undefined reference to `stat_value'
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status

File 2: static_2.c

/* static on 2 file compile together by Velraj.K
   Check :

#include <stdio.h>

#ifdef NO_STAT
extern int stat_value;
int stat_value;

int add()
        int value = 100;
        value = stat_value + value;

        return value;

Friday, 9 November 2018

pthread mutux deadlock for cancel handling


// C program to demonstrates cancellation of self thread
// using thread id
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <pthread.h>
#include <string.h>  // For memset
static pthread_mutex_t cfglock = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER;
int is_thread_cancel = 0, is_cleanup_push = 0;
void line_80(char ch)
    char str[81] = {'\0'};
    memset(str, ch, sizeof(str));
    str[80] = '\0';
    printf("%s\n", str);
void *calls(void* ptr)
    int oldtype = 0;
    printf("\nThread: Entrying into the thread %s \n", __func__);

    /* If 2 argument try then do the clean up */
    /* Add setcanceltype & cleanup into the if loop throws below error:
           error: expected ‘while’ before ‘printf’
       Reason is pthread_cleanup_push is not a function, it is a macro it cotain the below.
       So it add the d0 { on start and pthread_cleanup_pop macro contain ending while, so we could not put inside the if condition
             if (is_cleanup_push) {
     pthread_setcanceltype(PTHREAD_CANCEL_DEFERRED, &oldtype);
     do { __pthread_unwind_buf_t __cancel_buf; void (*__cancel_routine) (void *) = (pthread_mutex_unlock); void *__cancel_arg = ((void *) &cfglock); int __not_first_call = __sigsetjmp ((struct __jmp_buf_tag *) (void *) __cancel_buf.__cancel_jmp_buf, 0); if (__builtin_expect ((__not_first_call), 0)) { __cancel_routine (__cancel_arg); __pthread_unwind_next (&__cancel_buf); } __pthread_register_cancel (&__cancel_buf); do {;
        pthread_cleanup_pop macro definition is:
        do { } while (0); } while (0); __pthread_unregister_cancel (&__cancel_buf); if (0) __cancel_routine (__cancel_arg); } while (0);
         pthread_setcanceltype(oldtype, ((void *)0));

 //  if (is_cleanup_push) {
        pthread_setcanceltype(PTHREAD_CANCEL_DEFERRED, &oldtype);
        pthread_cleanup_push(pthread_mutex_unlock, (void *) &cfglock);
  //  }
    printf("Thread: Going to accquire the lock\n");
    printf("Thread: Lock is accquired \n");
    printf("Thread: Going to sleep 10 second \n");
    printf("Thread: After the sleep of 10 second\n");
    /* If 2 argument try then do the clean up */
  //  if (is_cleanup_push) {
        pthread_setcanceltype(oldtype, NULL);
    printf("\nThread: Returning from thread %s \n", __func__);
    return NULL;

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    // NULL when no attribute
    pthread_t thread = 0;
    int ret = 0;
    void *thread_ret = NULL;
    // calls is a function name
    pthread_create(&thread, NULL, calls, NULL);
    /* Argument and his valuel
          Arg 1. if 0 then no cancel, if 1 then it will call pthread_cancel.
                     Scenario: if 0 then, no cancel, thread in lock, process also try to lock, Dead lock
                     scenario 2: if 1 then , cancel kill the thread but lock is not cleaned, so proacess try to lock, hence Dead lock.
          Arg  2. if 0 then no cleanup_push for lock,
                  if 1 then do cleanup_push for lock

    printf("Process: going to sleep for 3  \n");
    printf("\t\tProcess: After sleep of 3 second  \n");
    is_thread_cancel = atoi(argv[1]);
    is_cleanup_push = atoi(argv[2]);
    if (is_thread_cancel == 1) {
        /* cancelled threads do not unlock mutexes they hold */
        printf("Process: called the pthread_cancel \n");
        ret = pthread_cancel(thread);
        if (ret == 0) {
            printf("Process: Canceled the thread with ID <%ld> \n", thread);
        } else {
            printf("Process: Error in cancel while try to cancel the thread <%ld>, ret = %d \n",
                    thread, ret);
  //  printf("After cancel \n");

    /* Already taken the lock in thread, so this lock will be blocked */
    printf("Process: Going to acquire the Mutux  \n");
    printf("\t\tProcess: Lock is acquired \n");
    printf("\t\tProcess: Mutux lock is released \n");
    printf("Process: going to sleep for 15  \n");
    printf("\t\tProcess: After sleep of 15 second  \n");
    /* The pthread_join() function waits for the thread specified by thread to terminate.
     * If that thread has already terminated, then pthread_join() returns immediately.
     * If the target thread was canceled, then PTHREAD_CANCELED is placed in *retval.
     * As per out PTHREAD_CANCELED value is 0xfffff
    // Waiting for when thread is completed
//    ret = pthread_join(thread, NULL);  // Just  wati
    ret = pthread_join(thread, &thread_ret);  // Just  wati
    if (ret !=0) {
        printf("Process: Error in pthread_join errno = %d \n", ret);
    printf("Process: The return value from thread is = %p \n", thread_ret);
    if (thread_ret == PTHREAD_CANCELED) {
        printf("Process: The thread is already canceled, value of PTHREAD_CANCELED  <%p>\n", PTHREAD_CANCELED);
    return 0;

/* Ref:
        For Dedlock release lock, Solution:
       Solution method 2: For pthread_mutexattr_setrobust to releace lock:
        Solution Method 1:

Tuesday, 6 November 2018

python: script to install Minimal requirements to compile the Kernel

Install the minimal requirment to compile the kernel which are declared in below sites:


# install Kernel minimal requriment compilation by Velraj.K
# Check :

import subprocess
import shutil
import os

APT_INSTALL_COMMAND = "sudo apt-get --assume-yes install "
APT_UPDATE      = "sudo apt update --assume-yes"

DICT_NAME      = 'name'
DICT_CMD       = 'command'
DICT_CMD_INST  = 'command_install'

existing_sofware = []
installing_list  = []
installing_err   = []

def is_tool_present(name):
    # var = os.system('which vim') will display the output on console and store success value 0 to var
    # store the output of which in command line value into the var.
    var = os.popen('which ' + name).read()
    ret = var.find(name)
    return ret != -1

def install_software(software):"sudo apt-get update", shell=True)
    if is_tool_present(software[DICT_CMD]):
        print(software[DICT_NAME] + " is already installed in the system, so not installing \n");

        # run the install command in the shell,
        ret = + software[DICT_CMD_INST], shell=True)
        # check is the software is installed successfully, if success add in installing_list otherwise add in _err.
        if ret == 0:
            print "Installed " + software[DICT_NAME] + " Successfully"

# Display the table header.
def table_header():
    # The value 1,20,25 & 20 are constant based on the column name
    print "{:<15} {:20} {:<20} {:<25} {:<20}".format('Package', '\"Command Name\"', '\"Newly Installed\"', '\"Error while installing\"', '\"Existing package\"')
    line = []
    for i in range(1, 82):
        # creat the list with - for display a line
    # convert the list into a string other wise display as ['-', '-', '-', ...]
    str1 = ''.join(str(e) for e in line)
    print str1

# To display the row content in the table
def table_row(table_row):
    # The value 22, 23,23 & 20 are constant based on the column adjust value row
        print "{:<22} {:<22} {:<23} {:<23} {:<20}".format(table_row[0], table_row[1], table_row[2], table_row[3], table_row[4])

def result_tablular():
    # Display the result table header
    # Display the row value in the tabl
    for name in installing_list:
        table_row([name[DICT_NAME], name[DICT_CMD_INST], 'Yes', 'NA', 'NA'])

    for name in installing_err:
        table_row([name[DICT_NAME], name[DICT_CMD_INST], 'NA', 'Yes', 'NA'])

    for name in existing_sofware:
        table_row([name[DICT_NAME], name[DICT_CMD_INST], 'NA', 'NA', 'Yes'])

def main():
    software_name = ['gcc', 'make', 'ld', 'fdformat', 'depmod', 'e2fsck',
                     'pccardctl', 'pppd', 'ps', 'iptables', 'openssl', 'bc',
                     'fsck.jfs', 'reiserfsck', 'xfs_db', 'mksquashfs', 'btrfsck',
                     'quota', 'iudnctrl', 'showmount', 'oprofiled', 'udevd', 'grub',
                     'mcelog', 'sphinx-build' ]

    dict_list_software = [ {DICT_NAME:'GNU C', DICT_CMD:'gcc', DICT_CMD_INST:'gcc'},
                       {DICT_NAME:'GNU make', DICT_CMD:'make', DICT_CMD_INST:'make'},
                       {DICT_NAME:'binutils', DICT_CMD:'ld', DICT_CMD_INST:'binutils'},
                       {DICT_NAME:'util-linux', DICT_CMD:'fdformat', DICT_CMD_INST:'util-linux'},
                       {DICT_NAME:'module-init-tools', DICT_CMD:'depmod', DICT_CMD_INST:'module-init-tools'},
                       {DICT_NAME:'e2fsprogs', DICT_CMD:'e2fsck', DICT_CMD_INST:'e2fsprogs'},
                       {DICT_NAME:'jfsutils', DICT_CMD:'fsck.jfs', DICT_CMD_INST:'jfsutils'},
                       {DICT_NAME:'reiserfsprogs', DICT_CMD:'reiserfsck', DICT_CMD_INST:'reiserfsprogs'},
                       {DICT_NAME:'xfsprogs', DICT_CMD:'xfs_db', DICT_CMD_INST:'xfsprogs'},
                       {DICT_NAME:'squashfs-tools', DICT_CMD:'mksquashfs', DICT_CMD_INST:'squashfs-tools'},
                       {DICT_NAME:'btrfs-progs', DICT_CMD:'btrfsck', DICT_CMD_INST:'btrfs-progs'},
                       {DICT_NAME:'pcmciautils', DICT_CMD:'pccardctl', DICT_CMD_INST:'pccardctl'},
                       {DICT_NAME:'quota-tools', DICT_CMD:'quota', DICT_CMD_INST:'quota'},
                       {DICT_NAME:'PPP', DICT_CMD:'pppd', DICT_CMD_INST:'pppd'},
                       {DICT_NAME:'isdn4k-utils', DICT_CMD:'isdnctrl', DICT_CMD_INST:'isdnutils-base'},
                       {DICT_NAME:'nfs-utils', DICT_CMD:'showmount', DICT_CMD_INST:'nfs-common'},
                       {DICT_NAME:'procps', DICT_CMD:'ps', DICT_CMD_INST:'procps'},
                       {DICT_NAME:'oprofile', DICT_CMD:'oprofiled', DICT_CMD_INST:'oprofile'},
                       {DICT_NAME:'udev', DICT_CMD:'udevd', DICT_CMD_INST:'udev'},
                       {DICT_NAME:'grub', DICT_CMD:'grub', DICT_CMD_INST:'grub-pc'},
                       {DICT_NAME:'mcelog', DICT_CMD:'mcelog', DICT_CMD_INST:'mcelog'},
                       {DICT_NAME:'iptables', DICT_CMD:'iptables', DICT_CMD_INST:'iptables'},
                       {DICT_NAME:'openssl & libcrypto', DICT_CMD:'openssl', DICT_CMD_INST:'openssl'},
                       {DICT_NAME:'bc', DICT_CMD:'bc', DICT_CMD_INST:'bc'},
                       {DICT_NAME:'Sphinx', DICT_CMD:'sphinx', DICT_CMD_INST:'python-sphinx'} ]
    ret =, shell=True)
    # Check and install the list of software available in the software_name
    for name in dict_list_software:

    # Package installed due to kernal compilation error
    # sign-file.c:25:30: fatal error: openssl/opensslv.h: No such file or directorycompilation terminated.
    #    for install libssl-dev
    dict_list_soft_cmp_err = [ {DICT_NAME:'OpenSSL Dev pkg', DICT_CMD:'libssl-dev', DICT_CMD_INST:'libssl-dev'} ]
    for name in dict_list_soft_cmp_err:


if __name__ == "__main__":

python: script to check Minimal requirements to compile the Kernel

Used to check the minimal requirment to compile the kernel which are declared in below sites:


# Kernel minimal requriment check by Velraj.K
# Check :

import subprocess
import shutil
import os

APT_INSTALL_COMMAND = "sudo apt-get --assume-yes install "
APT_UPDATE      = "sudo apt update --assume-yes"

DICT_NAME      = 'name'
DICT_CMD       = 'command'
existing_sofware = []
not_available_list  = []
installing_err   = []

def is_tool_present(name):
    # var = os.system('which vim') will display the output on console and store success value 0 to var
    # store the output of which in command line value into the var.
    var = os.popen('which ' + name).read()
    ret = var.find(name)
    return ret != -1

def install_software(software):
    # Check the command is present in Linux OS
    if is_tool_present(software[DICT_CMD]):

# Display the table header.
def table_header():
    # The value 1,20,25 & 20 are constant based on the column name
    print "{:<20} {:<15} {:<20} {:<20}".format('Program Name', '\"Command\"', '\"Available\"', '\"Not available\"')
    line = []
    for i in range(1, 72):
        # creat the list with - for display a line
    # convert the list into a string other wise display as ['-', '-', '-', ...] 
    str1 = ''.join(str(e) for e in line)
    print str1

# To display the row content in the table
def table_row(table_row):
    # The value 22, 23,23 & 20 are constant based on the column adjust value row
        print "{:<23} {:<15} {:<21} {:<20}".format(table_row[0], table_row[1], table_row[2], table_row[3])

def result_tablular():
    # Display the result table header
    # Display the row value in the tabl
    for name in existing_sofware:
        table_row([name[DICT_NAME], name[DICT_CMD], 'Yes', 'NA'])
    for name in not_available_list:
        table_row([name[DICT_NAME], name[DICT_CMD], 'NA', 'Yes'])

def main():

    # Dictionary usage example: 
    #    myStruct = {'field1': 'some val', 'field2': 'some val'}
    #    print myStruct['field1']
    #    myStruct['field2'] = 'some other values'
    # List of Minimum requirement package
    dict_list_software = [ {DICT_NAME:'GNU C', DICT_CMD:'gcc'},
                           {DICT_NAME:'GNU make', DICT_CMD:'make'},
                           {DICT_NAME:'binutils', DICT_CMD:'ld'},
                           {DICT_NAME:'util-linux', DICT_CMD:'fdformat'},
                           {DICT_NAME:'module-init-tools', DICT_CMD:'depmod'},
                           {DICT_NAME:'e2fsprogs', DICT_CMD:'e2fsck'},
                           {DICT_NAME:'jfsutils', DICT_CMD:'fsck.jfs'},
                           {DICT_NAME:'reiserfsprogs', DICT_CMD:'reiserfsck'},
                           {DICT_NAME:'xfsprogs', DICT_CMD:'xfs_db'},
                           {DICT_NAME:'squashfs-tools', DICT_CMD:'mksquashfs'},
                           {DICT_NAME:'btrfs-progs', DICT_CMD:'btrfsck'},
                           {DICT_NAME:'pcmciautils', DICT_CMD:'pccardctl'},
                           {DICT_NAME:'quota-tools', DICT_CMD:'quota'},
                           {DICT_NAME:'PPP', DICT_CMD:'pppd'},
                           {DICT_NAME:'isdn4k-utils', DICT_CMD:'isdnctrl'},
                           {DICT_NAME:'nfs-utils', DICT_CMD:'showmount'},
                           {DICT_NAME:'procps', DICT_CMD:'ps'},
                           {DICT_NAME:'oprofile', DICT_CMD:'oprofiled'},
                           {DICT_NAME:'udev', DICT_CMD:'udevd'},
                           {DICT_NAME:'grub', DICT_CMD:'grub'},
                           {DICT_NAME:'mcelog', DICT_CMD:'mcelog'},
                           {DICT_NAME:'iptables', DICT_CMD:'iptables'},
                           {DICT_NAME:'openssl & libcrypto', DICT_CMD:'openssl'},
                           {DICT_NAME:'bc', DICT_CMD:'bc'},
                           {DICT_NAME:'Sphinx', DICT_CMD:'sphinx-build'} ]

    # Check and install the list of software available in the software_name
    for name in dict_list_software:


if __name__ == "__main__":

Monday, 5 November 2018

python: script to install C Linux development needed packages

The Following C linux development packages are installed using python script:
  • Vim
  • cscope
  • screen
  • make
  • cmake
  • gdb
  • gcc


import subprocess
import shutil
import os

APT_INSTALL_COMMAND = "sudo apt-get --assume-yes install "
APT_UPDATE      = "sudo apt update --assume-yes"

existing_sofware = []
installing_list  = []
installing_err   = []

def is_tool_present(name):
    # var = os.system('which vim') will display the output on console and store success value 0 to var
    # store the output of which in command line value into the var.
    var = os.popen('which ' + name).read()
    ret = var.find(name)
    return ret != -1

def install_software(software):"sudo apt-get update", shell=True)
    if is_tool_present(software):
        print(software + " is already installed in the system, so not installing \n");

        # run the install command in the shell,
        ret = + software, shell=True)
        # check is the software is installed successfully, if success add in installing_list otherwise add in _err.
        if ret == 0:
            print "Installed " + software + " Successfully"

# Display the table header.
def table_header():
    # The value 1,20,25 & 20 are constant based on the column name
    print "{:<15} {:<20} {:<25} {:<20}".format('Package', '\"Newly Installed\"', '\"Error while installing\"', '\"Existing package\"')
    line = []
    for i in range(1, 82):
        # creat the list with - for display a line
    # convert the list into a string other wise display as ['-', '-', '-', ...]
    str1 = ''.join(str(e) for e in line)
    print str1

# To display the row content in the table
def table_row(table_row):
    # The value 22, 23,23 & 20 are constant based on the column adjust value row
        print "{:<22} {:<23} {:<23} {:<20}".format(table_row[0], table_row[1], table_row[2], table_row[3])

def result_tablular():
    # Display the result table header
    # Display the row value in the tabl
    for name in installing_list:
        table_row([name, 'Yes', 'NA', 'NA'])

    for name in installing_err:
        table_row([name, 'NA', 'Yes', 'NA'])

    for name in existing_sofware:
        table_row([name, 'NA', 'NA', 'Yes'])

def main():
    # The follwoing software used for automake
    #      automake, automake1.11
    #      libtool --> Used in automake file as libtoolize command
    # binutils-dev --> includes header files and static libraries necessary to build programs which use the GNU BFD library
    # build-essential --> for libc-devel
    software_name = ['vim', 'cscope', 'screen', 'make', 'cmake', 'gdb', 'gcc', 'git', 'automake', 'libtool',
                     'binutils-dev', 'libc6', 'build-essential']

    ret =, shell=True)
    # Check and install the list of software available in the software_name
    for name in software_name:


if __name__ == "__main__":