Monday, 5 November 2018

python: script to install C Linux development needed packages

The Following C linux development packages are installed using python script:
  • Vim
  • cscope
  • screen
  • make
  • cmake
  • gdb
  • gcc


import subprocess
import shutil
import os

APT_INSTALL_COMMAND = "sudo apt-get --assume-yes install "
APT_UPDATE      = "sudo apt update --assume-yes"

existing_sofware = []
installing_list  = []
installing_err   = []

def is_tool_present(name):
    # var = os.system('which vim') will display the output on console and store success value 0 to var
    # store the output of which in command line value into the var.
    var = os.popen('which ' + name).read()
    ret = var.find(name)
    return ret != -1

def install_software(software):"sudo apt-get update", shell=True)
    if is_tool_present(software):
        print(software + " is already installed in the system, so not installing \n");

        # run the install command in the shell,
        ret = + software, shell=True)
        # check is the software is installed successfully, if success add in installing_list otherwise add in _err.
        if ret == 0:
            print "Installed " + software + " Successfully"

# Display the table header.
def table_header():
    # The value 1,20,25 & 20 are constant based on the column name
    print "{:<15} {:<20} {:<25} {:<20}".format('Package', '\"Newly Installed\"', '\"Error while installing\"', '\"Existing package\"')
    line = []
    for i in range(1, 82):
        # creat the list with - for display a line
    # convert the list into a string other wise display as ['-', '-', '-', ...]
    str1 = ''.join(str(e) for e in line)
    print str1

# To display the row content in the table
def table_row(table_row):
    # The value 22, 23,23 & 20 are constant based on the column adjust value row
        print "{:<22} {:<23} {:<23} {:<20}".format(table_row[0], table_row[1], table_row[2], table_row[3])

def result_tablular():
    # Display the result table header
    # Display the row value in the tabl
    for name in installing_list:
        table_row([name, 'Yes', 'NA', 'NA'])

    for name in installing_err:
        table_row([name, 'NA', 'Yes', 'NA'])

    for name in existing_sofware:
        table_row([name, 'NA', 'NA', 'Yes'])

def main():
    # The follwoing software used for automake
    #      automake, automake1.11
    #      libtool --> Used in automake file as libtoolize command
    # binutils-dev --> includes header files and static libraries necessary to build programs which use the GNU BFD library
    # build-essential --> for libc-devel
    software_name = ['vim', 'cscope', 'screen', 'make', 'cmake', 'gdb', 'gcc', 'git', 'automake', 'libtool',
                     'binutils-dev', 'libc6', 'build-essential']

    ret =, shell=True)
    # Check and install the list of software available in the software_name
    for name in software_name:


if __name__ == "__main__":


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