Have to build a new string which is of the form numeric_token1 numeric_token2 print this in ascending order. (A single space is the separator) (If no numeric tokens are found you need to print NONE FOUND)
Input: velraj hai 123 789 45 done
Output: 45 123 789
Input: 20 new old 90 67
Output: 20 67 90
Input :
You need to read a line from STDIN to extract the numeric tokens only
Output :
The string composed of number1 number2 in ascending order . Or NONE FOUNDTest Cases:
Input: velraj hai 123 789 45 done
Output: 45 123 789
Input: 20 new old 90 67
Output: 20 67 90
def main():
#b = "vel 444 sdfdf 55 sdfdf 44 sdfdf 22 "
# value = "vel 444 s 5 sdfdf 10 newver 3 sdfdf 1 sdfdf 2 "
value = raw_input("Enter value :")
list_array = value.split()
digit_list = []
for digit in list_array:
if digit.isdigit():
# print digit
digit_list.append(int(digit)) # Make list to contain the number as interger type
print digit_list
#str_ass = " vel "
str1 = ' '.join(str(e) for e in digit_list) # This line is used to convert the list into an string formate with space between digits
if str1:
print str1
print "NONE FOUND"
# for lis_to_dig in digit_list:
# str_ass = ' ' + str(lis_to_dig)
# print lis_to_dig
# lis_to_arry = digit_list.split()
$ python extra-num-from-str.py
Enter value :sdfdf 432 vel 22 hsdf 33 sdfdf 1 sdf 5
[1, 5, 22, 33, 432]
1 5 22 33 432
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