Tuesday, 16 October 2018

Reverse the given sentence

Reverse the give sentence:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>

#define STR_BUFFER_256    256
#define ARG_LENGTH        64

int reverse_sentence(char *str, char *str_result, int str_len)
        char str_sentence[STR_BUFFER_256] = {'\0'};
        char *arg[ARG_LENGTH] = {0}, *temp = NULL;
        int count = 0, rev_count;

#if 0 // This logic is wrong because strncpy won't return a number of byte written
        int ret = 0;

        ret = strncpy(str_sentence, str, sizeof(STR_BUFFER_256));
        if (ret >= STR_BUFFER_256) {
                printf("Truncation the sentence \n");
        memset(str_sentence, '\0', str_len);
        strncpy(str_sentence, str, str_len);

        if (str_sentence[STR_BUFFER_256 - 1] != '\0') {
                printf("Truncation the sentence \n");


#ifdef DEBUG
        printf("Original = %s copied varable = %s \n", str, str_sentence);
        temp = strtok(str_sentence, " ");
        arg[count] = temp;

        while (temp && (count < ARG_LENGTH)) {
                temp = strtok(NULL, " ");
                arg[count] = temp;

        if (temp && (count >= ARG_LENGTH)) {
                temp = strtok(NULL, " ");
                if (temp != NULL) {
                        printf("No of word is more than %d so taking first %d word only\n", ARG_LENGTH, ARG_LENGTH);

        /* arg[count] last value will be a NULL, but count is point to next to NUll */

       /* Count point the sentinal value, decerement to point to the last word */
#ifdef DEBUG
        printf("inst cout = %d rev c= %d \n", count, rev_count);
        for (rev_count = count; rev_count >= 0 ; rev_count--) {
                strncat(str_result, arg[rev_count], str_len);
                if (rev_count != 0) {
                        strncat(str_result, " ", str_len);

        return 0;

int main()
        char str[STR_BUFFER_256] = "Velraj is coming from chennai";
        char str_result[STR_BUFFER_256] = {'\0'};

        reverse_sentence(str, str_result, sizeof(str_result));
        printf("\n\t\t Original sentence = %s \n\t\t Reverse sentence = %s \n", str, str_result);

        return 0;

/* Output:
   velraj@velraj-HEC41:~/CProgram$ gcc -g sentence_reverse_hcl.c
   velraj@velraj-HEC41:~/CProgram$ ./a.out

   Original sentence = Velraj is coming from chennai
   Reverse sentence = chennai from coming is Velraj

   '-g' is used to include the symbols, if we need to debug with gdb then compile with -g only give the
   symbol value.


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